"Our interest in Tackling Tables came as a result of needing a refreshed approach to the teaching and consolidation of the Times Tables facts as our pupils had lost their enthusiasm for our previous platform. From the start, the engagement in Tackling Tables from our pupils was tremendous! Read More...
They loved the both the card system and the online platform, and this enthusiasm remained throughout the year. We saw pupils who had struggled to learn their 2 and 5 times tables, suddenly grasp them after a few weeks of daily practice, and then move onto a secure knowledge of their 10, 3, 4, 6 and 8 times tables also, which, in the words of the pupil, 'I never thought I'd get onto my 8s!'.
Having the option to use the cards makes this approach perfect for a small school, like ours, who have limited access to devices. It has allowed us to provide daily times table sessions, and the children have been so keen to play them that they haven't wanted to stop at times! The online platform is great as it allows a lot of control over how the progress is managed. The ability to limit the online progress to only during the school day, and not over the holidays has meant we can be confident that the results on the platform are a true reflection of the child's ability. The certificates have been a wonderful incentive for the children to work towards, and, even in Year 6, they have been incredibly excited to earn them.
All in all, I would say Tackling Tables is the best times table platform on the market at the minute. It balances the importance of the multiplication and division facts and makes the fact families a key part of the learning. The addition and subtraction cards and online elements have been great for our younger pupils, but also to consolidate these facts for our older pupils. The platform has also been a great contributor to us achieving our highest MTC scores yet! Tackling Tables should be a part of every school's Maths resources!"